Glen Reports

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Future plans

Finally i got untittled to discuss something productive. we were discussing some brilliant ideas. we wanted to move ahead in life.. "kuch karke dikhana hai"!
we have to do something yaar.. cant just be zombies over here. do something different!
so i put up a brilliant idea of a mobile based app. and it just seems brilliant just to me. and ultimately we brought across the idea of "kuch karke dikha do" to our roomies n started discussing whoz gonna do what.. i was pretty content with the role of CEO, which i offered myself.
Now dear mam's put across another idea
"dude.. why don't we start a hotel" well the poor guys was trying to catch up with his prospective F-I-L! cant blame him... he had to move on.
Now eds puts in his words of wisdom "hey we will start a share auto business" brilliant mann! "sandhosham aay gopiyetta sandhosham aay". what was supposed to start off as a productive interllectual discussion ended doing something for public welfare!!! enda cheyyka!!!
maybe i have to think twice abt starting an intellectual discussion. or atleast i have to drill the notion across them that we are gonna discuss abt a techie comp n not *&&**&%


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