Glen Reports

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Life's calling! Where are you?

OK abt the title. where am i?? someting abt my JOB... am i happy?
maybe i am .. i really dont know! maybe coz music has taken the better off me... or maybe coz am not trying hard. u gotta fight it out with those guys out there! from day one it has been random. got allocated to .net, which was very uch ok with me. then they put me in ERP. well well i really fancied my chances in ERP. i really wanted to love it. may be coz am not really trying hard or maybe am really HOME SICK. Music is somethign i always wanted to do and stil love to do but chances are pretty bleak over here. might get one or two thanks to sav.. tht too for nxt new year if...
so life is callin.. where am i??


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