Glen Reports

Sunday, April 30, 2006

“Thoorithavan thooriappol theetam kondu aaratthu”… goes the old aphorism! Sorry dear moral police… but the situation with me has been so.. 6 months… ya long 6 months I was without the so called “industrious” work. Used to envy at eds n et all.. for working extra hrs and contributing to the company’s billion dollar share.. but now work started.. dear… now working from 9 (err 9 46) to 12 or something.. got really tired… and guess the spec’s power has changed too.. and the worst part is that bro is comin to town, cousin sis is getting married .. lot of things are happening and .. now working hard.. ofcourse by choice to make it to all places..and I definitely need a vacation after all this.. oops I n mom’s silver jubilee year too.. most importantly!

What I am missing is the sms chat I usually have.. so looking fwd to finishing work without missing all imp things!! Chao!


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