Glen Reports

Friday, May 19, 2006


ok the reporting continues... guess am getting sick of life.. excatly one year back there was someone.. who just passed out from coll.. ready to take on the world... and more importantly... enjoy life.. but 10 months or so down the lane... just realsed that the world isnt that good a place.. you see ppl everywhere around you.. and they just needs your money... well am trying hard to relate the stuff that i write down.. but guess thats not gonna happen... so let this be a post of broken feelings...
right now.. i kind of feel unwanted... more like worthless... at time me feel like runnin back home.. slip between dad n mom.. feelin their warmth... and go enjoy life with the DJ thing.. but the world isnt that good a place... gotta fulfill many promises.. so gotta keep on movin... inspite of all the "neglect" (ya its not the right word.. but notin is comin to my mind..)
considerign the fast tht me writing this @ 12 mins to 12 am.. and still in office.. waiting for the scripts to get over... ammaa feelin sleepy.. maybe one day.. i will write abt an IT guys life.. .(wont be difficult i guess.. its clock work... will ppl after your money!)
guess i shd follow my heart.. but after my brain says so...


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