Glen Reports

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Chennai life...

Well am gonna write something abt chennai... the place where i began my white collar rather zombie life...
Well i neer wanted to end up here.. but the place istn bad as i thought it to be.. roads are good, water is ok, good places to hangout and love the beaches... just that ppl still do the "thing" on the streets in the open.. and not a day passes without haggling with the auto wallah's! well a brighter side to the auto thing.. this made me respect the auto chettans back home @ Cochin.. after the chennai thing i made it a point to travel most by auto's when am home.. here meters ae mere show pieces..

Chennai is the place that gave me freedom, lots.. no one frm family here, lotsa friends infact i have 450 + entries in my phonebook (blah blah) i enjoyed the most surin the trainin period. we stayed at an "ashram" where all of us were put together( yess all.. in diff rooms obviously) i was initially stayin at a block where all except my flat was occupied my collegues from the fairer sex! par not much fun... apun ka type nahi tha... hee heee..
Enjoyed those days liek anythin.. everyone was jsut a call away, just walk to to friends place anytime.. just had to fear the snakes wrigglin around.. we even organised a disco there.. was very much fun to make around 200 odd ppl dancin to my tunes!
The place that i stay is pretty beautiful.. greenery and most importantly.. the beach! just sit on the sands and the breeze will take away all ur worries.

And i have put on weigt. royally.. everyone else managed to lose... guess its got something to do with "hormones" hee hee.. One thing my dad was happy abt sending em to chennai was the hope that i will pull down like his friends son did.. which didnt happen with me... he's pretty disappointed and worried too.. now am plannin on some YOGA (which by the way i was supposed to start last week :) ) am a lazy guy!!!!!

and a word abt the chennai survival guide...

no 1 Beer (obviously, long live VIjay Mallya n king fisher)
2 Moisturiser (yes i beieve in those now)
3 conditioner (have a look at me n u will know!)

one more thing.. College life is ultimate!!!!


Blogger Broken said...

danced and beat on ur tunes hahahah :))) .....

12:54 AM  

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