Glen Reports

Monday, February 05, 2007

Am back!

Yes am back after a while.. its been a while, since i feel awkward blogging from office.. not that they have restricted but didn't feel so.. So am chkin out how is it to blog from mob :-).
well am in a new place now.. new office, new team, house and ofcourse new roomie.
The new year show didn't turn up as expected for me.. i was not satisfied with the way i performed.. needed more and a lot of practice.. The 12 hour gig kinda drained me.. had my friend to share the console too.. but it was not easy playin to a mixed crowd.. cant keep everyone happy. well the final thing : did the show.. got paid :-)
About the job.. yes got settled here.. team is good and facilities are good too.. best part is unrestricted net access.. employer seems to have good faith on us.. good i guess.. and the other part is.. free biscuits and lunch :-) hee heh.
my fingers have started painin.. mmm.. hope am able to save this!


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